Seasonal treats from Taranaki

I do like this sauce. And here, if possible, is a richer version courtesy of Mr. Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall. Many of the recipes from the BBC show are now part of my autumn reppetoire. Maybe it's just a welly wearing man in the garden that does it for me.. as odd as that sounds, but it's so bad that the mere sight of the perfect sized squash makes me salivate for this wonderful no-pot soup.

If you've never seen the show, never tried any of the River Cottage recipes, or never had a browse through the books (both available at most libraries, which are generally free), frankly, Hugh is worth at least that much effort. Even if it's just a peek at the online content, I'd encourage anyone with access to field and farm fresh produce (or a friend who still has a bit of bounty from their walnut tree) to have a look.

Simple and seasonal good eats.


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